Ahimsa is a concept practiced by the political and ideological leader Mohandas Gandhi; a concept he used to promote the use of non-violent tactics and passive resistance against colonial rule in India. Mohandas Gandhi used Ahimsa as a means to an end and thus ultimately rejected Machiavelli's advice on the qualities a prince must possess to retain his title. Machiavelli advises that leaders have military experience and: “In times of peace he must train more than in times of war. This can be done in two ways: one with action, the other with the mind” (Jacobus 40). Gandhi has no military experience and Ahimsa, loosely translated, means abstinence from violence whether in thought, word or deed. Ahimsa requires a harmless mind, mouth and hand (Maheshwari). The concept of Ahimsa and the actions of Mohandas Gandhi directly contradict the qualities and practices of a Machiavellian prince or leader. In Machiavelli's "The Qualities of the Prince," Machiavelli states that "A wise ruler, therefore, cannot and must not keep his word when such observance of faith would be to his disadvantage" (Jacobus 48). If Mohandas Gandhi had followed Machiavelli's advice, he would not be revered as the wise and great leader he was. Mohandas Gandhi used his philosophy called Satyagraha to gain followers and achieve his goal of freeing India from British colonial rule. Satyagraha is defined as a concept introduced in the early 20th century by Mohandas Gandhi to designate determined but nonviolent resistance to evil (Encyclopædia Britannica). This requires that a person who decides to break a law considered unjust must accept the consequences of that decision. The use of Satyagraha involved a lot of effort... half the paper... uce. “Mahatma Gandhi Hero Files.” Plus: Heroes and Assassins of the 20th Century. Moreorless.au.com, 21 January 2001. Web. 24 September 2011. .3. Jacobus, Lee A. A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers. Boston, Massachusetts: Bedford/St. Martins, 2010. Print.4. Maheshwari, Krishna. "Ahimsa - Hindupedia, the Hindu encyclopedia." Home page - Hindupedia, the Hindu encyclopedia. The Hindu Encyclopedia, May 6, 2011. Web. September 24, 2011. .5. “Mohandas Gandhi.” BrainyQuote.com. Xplore Inc, 2011. September 24. 2011.http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/m/mohandasga134804.html6. "satyagraha." Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online.Encyclopædia Britannica, 2011. Web. 24 September. 2011. .