Society may not accept it for now. It is a process that takes time. In time, prostitution will no longer be considered such a sensitive and taboo topic. Slowly but surely, people will adapt and learn to accept the idea that everyone has the right to a choice, the right to express themselves and choose their own path in life. As for pornography, people have become aware of it. Some people more or less, but this is a quality that human beings have. Everyone is different and thinks differently based on their morals and values. By adapting to the idea that prostitution is legal, people will at least realize that treating prostitutes unequally and unfairly is an embrace that could land them in court. Legalizing prostitution will not totally and directly end prostitution discrimination, but it will at least reduce its rate. Prostitutes are most often defined as weak and ignorant. Such characteristics are definitely assumptions that people make. To be honest, maybe prostitutes are weak, but not because of what they do. Weakness comes from being alone and rejected by society. Legal prostitution will define an appropriate status for prostitutes who will no longer be considered inferior to any other worker. They will no longer be humiliated. Legalizing prostitution will define a title of prostitute that demands respect. He will