Writing Assignment 1: Conservative View on Abortion Abortion is the deliberate killing of the weakest and most defenseless among us. Unfortunately, in recent decades, this practice has been recognized as a fundamental human right by the highest court in the land. American culture has increasingly accepted the compromise of traditional values and principles. Political correctness now replaces ethics, self-confidence is replaced by dependency, and crudeness now takes the place of knowledge. Today's culture is corrupt and morally depraved, and there is no other argument that demonstrates this better than abortion. Many liberals support the view that a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body, even if it means killing her unborn child. This also contradicts their point of view, because the woman can also choose whether to get pregnant or not. He should accept the consequences of his risky behavior instead of killing an innocent child who cannot speak for himself, for his own convenience. Abortions have become a form of birth control rather than a last resort, and taxpayer money is paying for women's irresponsibility and lack of morals. Conservatives believe that government should only provide people with the freedom they need to pursue their own goals, and they emphasize the importance of the individual solving their own problems, which is part of the reason I don't support abortion. Not only does it require an innocent child to pay for his mother's unpreparedness and irresponsibility, it also requires taxpayers to fund it. Only the individual should have to face the consequences of their actions, not another person. This kind of lazy and morally degraded... middle of paper... and liberal-dominated culture has forced the acceptance of this disgusting practice by disguising it as a sign of progress in America towards the betterment of human beings. condition. In reality this destroys the respect we have for children, for women and for the family unit. Freeloading and taking advantage of the government are encouraged by allowing abortions to occur. The separation of church and state further distances America from Christian values that abhor abortion or, in general, the killing of an innocent being. Unlike other social issues debated between conservatives and liberals, abortion is undeniably vile. It diminishes the value of a person being in the same position we were all in at the same time. The most innocent and defenseless individuals are victims. It is not only a personal choice, but also an offense against God and his creation.