Topic > The negative effects of smoking - 2023

1.0 Introduction Smoking is considered a real addiction and is widespread throughout the world with the percentage of smokers equal to 47% of men and 12% of women who smoke, This causes cardiovascular disease and deaths are caused by lung and pharynx cancer. Countries with low levels of socioeconomic development rank first in the ranking of the highest number of smokers aged over 15. The country stands at 46%, with a prevalence of 35% in people over the age of 15. This habit is socially acceptable in adult society of both sexes and has an influence on young people because it is likely to improve their social status. and other reasons. Adults and young people start smoking as early as primary school, but recently young people are starting to smoke regardless of age. Cigarette smoking is considered a serious public health hazard worldwide. It is among the leading preventable causes of premature death, morbidity and mortality worldwide. Every year approximately 5 million deaths occur due to cigarette smoking. If the pattern of tobacco use continues at the same rate as today, morbidity and mortality rates will double (10 million people per year) by 2020 and 7 million of these deaths will occur in developing countries. Studies indicate that most smokers start smoking before the age of 18 and during adolescence. Adolescents are easily influenced by their peers, by social normality and by tobacco advertising. The younger you start smoking, the more likely you are to become a regular smoker later in life. Usually with a simple smoking experience (1 or 2 puffs), the teenager will become a regular smoker. Smoking is considered a dangerous thing in the health world. It is one of the main causes... middle of the paper... Rather than cure, it is important to refrain from further identifying the cause of the problem. Smoking prevention programs aimed at identifying risk groups and finding measures to protect vulnerable groups from initiation. Teens need to be informed about the effects of evil and choose their friends wisely. The program aims to help teenagers control emotional desires so they don't succumb to pressure from friends. Adolescents must learn to adopt healthy lifestyles together with older siblings and family members who can learn about the dangers of smoking in the presence of young people and how to abandon cigarettes in adolescents. Teens need help on how to deal with stress so they don't turn to cigarettes. An important prevention strategy is to encourage ego development. Ego development is essential to building behavior in yourself.