Cultural Centers in Higher Education: Perspectives on Identity, Theory, and Practice is a powerful and enlightening book by Lori D. Patton. Patton is a higher education scholar who focuses on issues related to racial theories, African American experiences on college campuses, student development theories, campus environments, inclusion, and multicultural resource centers in institutions of higher education. She has a variety of publications and was one of the first doctoral students to complete a thesis focused exclusively on Black Cultural Centers entitled “From Protest to Progress: An Examination of the Relevance, Relationships, and Roles of Black Cultural Centers.” In higher education campus cultural centers Patton collaborates with many higher education scholars and faculty to discuss various types of racial and ethnic cultural centers in higher education, their overall effectiveness, relevance, and implications for improvement as they relate to retention and to student success. Diversity, inclusion, and social justice have become prevalent issues across college campuses, and this literary text provides a basic introduction for people who are unfamiliar with cultural resource centers. This book successfully highlights the contributions of cultural centers and suggestions on how centers can be re-evaluated and structured more efficiently. For many faculty, administrators, and student affairs professionals who are unfamiliar with the missions and goals of cultural centers, Patton's text provides a concrete introduction and outline for the functionality of these resources and also offers recommendations and improvements for administrators who manage multicultural centers. Higher education institutions are becoming increasingly diverse with regards to... half of the paper...... ice to understand student outcomes related to cultural centers. Some of the methods and standards used for diversity and inclusion in the book are unclear, and it appears that more qualitative and quantitative research is needed to fully understand the role of cultural resource centers in higher education institutions. Multicultural resource centers must have thorough evaluation and empirical support to improve the services and resources they provide to students of color. The author's beliefs appeared to be based primarily on his own professional interactions and experiences with cultural centers, which should be stated more explicitly within chapters to avoid labeling all cultural centers. Overall, Patton and the contributing authors succeed in conveying the importance, role, and purpose of multicultural and race-specific cultural centers on college campuses..