Knowing how many calories you continue to burn after finishing an aerobic workout helps you optimize your workout results. In addition to gender, physical fitness and duration of exercise, the afterburn effect of aerobics mainly depends on the intensity of the exercise. Bottom line: the higher the intensity of the exercise, the greater the afterburn. About the Afterburn EffectThe afterburn effect, also known as excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC, kicks in immediately after you finish your workout and can last anywhere from 15 minutes to 48 hours. During this period, the body consumes more oxygen and energy to return to its pre-exercise resting state. The increased body temperature, heart rate and breathing are brought back to normal, while lactic acid is removed from the muscles, the blood is reoxygenated and blood circulation is restored. (See References 1, p. 20 and References 2) Effect of Aerobic IntensityA low-intensity aerobic workout will require less recovery than a high-intensity workout. You continue to burn calories for...