Topic > Service Member Transition to Community College

Introduction As the demographics of college students in the United States evolve, the policies and procedures used to assist students in pursuing postsecondary education must also evolve ( Radford, 2009). With the passage of educational acts such as the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 (Public Law 78-346), the Montgomery GI Bill of 1985 (Public Law 110-252), and now the Post 9/11 GI Bill (Public Law 100-48 ), higher education institutions have made a commitment not only to educate recently discharged and deactivated individuals, but also to target a student population with specific needs. Student development professionals must adapt strategies to assist their military students' transition experience. Unlike any other student population, developmental progression and academic acclimation following military enlistment are compounded by a variety of obstacles such as mental health needs and psychosocial distress (Sachs, 2008). . As increasing numbers of post-9/11 veterans return from their missions and the number of enrolled active duty service members continues to increase, higher education leaders must determine how to support the mental, physical and social needs of this student base. research addresses the challenges of civilian reentry of veterans and military service members (Ackerman, DiRamio, & Mitchell, 2009; Radford, 2009) there is a lack of theoretical models for practitioners to look to for information regarding the specific population of community college student soldiers and veterans. Existing theories of student development can be adapted to support this population; what is lost in the adaptation is a holistic approach focused on the unique life experiences attributed only to this specific people...... middle of paper ......pringer Publishing Company. Strauss, A., & Corbin, J (1990). Basics of qualitative research; Grounded Theory procedures and techniques. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.Tinto, V. (1993). Dropping out of college: Rethinking the causes and treatments of student dropout (2nd ed.). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. Tinto, V. (1997). Classrooms as communities: Exploring the educational character of student persistence. The Journal of Higher Education, 68(6), 599–623.Washton, N. S. (1945). A veteran goes to college. Journal of Higher Education, 16(4), 195-196, 226. Whealin, J. M. (2011). Warzone Reactions: What Veterans Need to Know A fact sheet from the National Center for PTSD. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center for PTSD. Iraq War Doctors' Guide Retrieved from []