Topic > Flying with a bicycle - 557

Fresh air, sunshine, beautiful views, exploring, having fun with friends and getting lots of exercise are all wonderful benefits of cycling. However, the places you can visit by bike in your area are limited. If you like riding a bike enough, you'll probably want to travel with it at some point. Many cyclists fly to various locations to explore their trails and enjoy their sites, but there is the issue of bringing the bike with you on the plane ride. Here are some tips to help you get your bike to your destination safely and affordably. Packing There are several ways to store your bike for plane travel. A common and usually preferred method is in a cardboard or hard shell box. This requires removing some components such as pedals and handlebars, wrapping the bike in suitable packaging material such as plastic foil or bubble wrap, applying a "fragile" sticker to the box and sealing it as best as possible possible. Be sure to pack your bike as tightly as possible to prevent it from moving around in the box or getting damaged...