While many of these murders are driven behind the scenes by Lady Macbeth, a cruel woman who would "rip the nipple from the boneless gums of a child and throw it away." d the brains out” (1.7.57-58), Macbeth is ultimately the hand behind the knife and the money behind the murderer. Macbeth, mad with power and in fear of having his power taken away, also hires assassins to kill Banquo, Fleance and Macduff's family. However, as self-fulfilling prophecies go, the reckless and brazen massacre of Macbeth's family ironically and inevitably led to his death as Macduff vowed to avenge their deaths by attacking Dunsinane. Macbeth's underdeveloped morals and impaired judgment result in his ability to create conflict. through murder and ultimately drive him mad as he is overcome with guilt. Furthermore, Lady Macbeth's role in inciting these murders is rightly offset by the fact that she too, overcome by guilt, takes her own life. Macbeth's role in the murders of Banquo, Duncan and Macduff's family, as well as the play's namesake, mark him as the antihero of