Topic > Self-Assessment Assignment: The Self-Assessment Tool

The information I have read is helpful and I am concerned about ordering a paper copy instead of the e-book which expires in 160 days.7. Did I learn anything practical for my work situation? Why was this so? As I stated in the previous questions, the information I learned gave me an understanding of how a teacher can be effective in their classroom using the suggested strategies. There are some strategies that are beyond the control of the teacher, so you will need to create a different technique, but keep the information from each theory in mind to be successful. 8. What can I do between now and the end of the course to make this learning experience [even] better? What I can do for the rest of the course to make this learning experience better is to continue to be involved and learn from my other classmate and instructor. Feedback is useful because it helps me understand other people's points of view. 9. Additional comments based on my self-assessment. Since I was undecided about what age level I wanted to focus on, the information in this course allowed me to focus on secondary education with some math content. Thank you and I hope to have more information next time 3