Robert Frost's poems are highly regarded because they work on so many different levels; on the surface they are stories about the beauty of nature, while deep down they are journeys in search of oneself and more. Robert Frost is an American poet born in San Francisco. His poems reflect rural life and he is one of America's best-known poets. Through his works he uses symbolism and nature to show man in search of himself. Robert Frost was originally from the city but writes about nature in a way to elicit more complex emotional and intellectual concepts. It takes things from nature and makes them comparable to the things people feel or think. He writes about it to make people think and see the beauty of nature. Many of his poems reflect on his life and what he did in the past. He also uses imagery a lot in his poems and writes about New England and its beauty. Frost uses symbolism in all of his works. In A Patch of Old Snow the narrator notices the patch of snow and immediately assumes that it is something else. The snow was a symbol of the winter season while it was new and white but after a few weeks on the ground it is dirty and no longer cared for like an old newspaper, which Frost compares it to. The narrator feels guilty about the misidentification and believes that he should have been able to recognize snow right away and should have recognized the beauty of winter as well. Then the narrator says that the dirt on the snow looks like a newspaper print, so it wasn't his fault that he made the mistake and he shouldn't have taken responsibility for it. The narrator says that the beauty of winter is only present in the perfect white and middle of the paper because he has memory loss and does not remember his purpose or identity. He is isolated because he is alone, but he is also isolated mentally because even memories of past happiness cannot console him. In these poems he also writes that the narrator is isolated due to the unique perspective. In The Road Not Taken the narrator is isolated because he chooses the road least chosen instead of the one everyone else has decided to take. Robert Frost ties all of his themes together in all of his poems. He uses symbolism in his works and in nature to help man find himself. In Birches he talks about how the narrator wants to climb trees and go as high as he can just to get away from reality. Using birch trees symbolizes life and serves as the narrator's temporary place of escape from the world and all harsh realities..