Topic > Disaster Management - 953

The increase in unpredictable natural catastrophic events over a decade has led to disaster preparedness being placed as a central issue in disaster management. Disaster preparedness reduces the risk of loss of life and injury and increases the ability to cope when danger occurs. Considering the value of preparedness behavior, governments, local, national and international institutions and non-governmental organizations have made some efforts to promote disaster preparedness. However, although numerous resources have been expended in attempts to promote behavioral preparedness, a common finding in natural disaster research is that people fail to prepare for such catastrophic events (Paton, 2005; Shaw 2004; Spittal,, 2005; Kenny, 2009; For example, given that nearly 91% of Americans live in moderate to high risk of natural disasters, only 16% adopt natural disaster preparedness (Ripley, 2006). occurs in different places and carries different risks respondents prepared a disaster supply kit at home. Kenny (2009) found that most residents in South Florida, a hurricane-prone area, failed to take preparatory measures such as securing bottled water and food when storms occur. In another place and with a different danger, the study result demonstrated the same finding. Paton and Prior (2008) studied bushfire preparedness in Tasmania and show that most respondents had adopted some form of only minimal and limited protective behaviour. They began preparing after being alerted by emergency services in the event of a disaster. According to Nakagawa (2009) people are reluctant to take action by spending time and money because they perceive that some disasters have a low probability. Earthquakes, for example, due to the difficulty of prediction, in many cases people tend to neglect seismic risk preparation. In a 1974 survey, Kenny (2009) concluded that only 12% of respondents in California households took steps to prevent earthquakes. However, Nakagawa (2009) also noted that although people often live in natural disaster situations such as floods and typhoons, they do not take appropriate actions. For example, only 10% of people had been evacuated to safer places when Typhoon Tokage hit Japan, in the city of Toyooka. Some argue that the level of preparedness is most likely influenced by direct experience of the disaster (Tierney, 1993).