Topic > The International Volunteer in Urology - 694

You need a title. The International Volunteer in Urology (IVU) was founded in 1992. Their mission is to teach and provide services directly to patients in need of urological and surgical care. IVU members achieve this by teaching doctors and nurses in resource-poor areas of the world the skills they need. In return, people in these communities will have greater access to services. The international urology volunteer has worked with many countries around the world. They have worked with countries in South America, Asia, Africa and North America. According to IVU's official website, in 2013 IVU spent a total of $4.2 million on medical services to help countries in need. Urology is a branch of medicine that focuses on surgical and medical diseases of the male and female urinary system. and the male reproductive organs. There are thousands of people around the world suffering from urological disorders that cannot be cured. Disorders such as bladder cancer, prostate cancer and erectile dysfunction are many problems that UTI aims to prevent, in poor countries around the world. They have a wide range of programs that offer a better understanding of urology. The pediatric UTI program aims to prevent reproductive and urinary tract malformations in children around the world. IVU's women's health program also aims to stop exicovaginal fistula (VVF). VVF is a devastating condition that affects more than two women worldwide. International volunteering in urology is a very vital organization. They are the leading urology care organization in the world with 21 surgical laboratories in developing countries around the world. IVU's mission is to teach teachers. This approach ensures the long term...... middle of paper......ina (moving along the GDP per capita axis). It also showed a country that started with a high GDP but low infant mortality. Over time it has improved, he also wanted to make it clear that money alone is not enough to guarantee health, it takes time to train doctors and build infrastructure. The last important point he highlights is the tremendous variation in income compared In 3 countries in Africa the entire spectrum of income levels exists. This makes talking about health problems in “Africa” misleading, as management strategies for the richest would be very different from those of the poorest. For me this data will increase everyone's understanding of the world. Most people simply believe the myths they hear from the media and other entities. They don't look at the number themselves, numbers don't lie and Hans proves it in this video.