Topic > established social hierarchy. «The class that has the means of material production at its disposal also controls the means of mental production, so that in general the ideas of those who do not have the means of mental production are subjected to it»[1]. The Marxist model of “mass manipulation” also proposed the idea that the media orchestrated moral panics to legitimize the introduction of greater measures of social control. Thus Marxist theorists therefore believed that the media misinformed the public by re...... middle of paper ......ondon:Routledge and kegan Paul.Tierney, J. (1996), Criminology Theory and Context , London: PrenticeHall .Williams, K. (1997), Textbook of Criminology, 3rd ed., London:Blackstone Press.Young, Jock (1974), 'Mass Media, Drugs and Deviance', in Paul Rock and Mary McIntosh (ed.), Deviance and Social Control, London: Tavistock------------------------------------ ---------------- ------------------------[1] Marx & Engels: Ideology German, cited in Curran et al. (1982:22).[2] Soothill and Walby, 1991: 72.[3] Schlesinger and Tumber 1994: 234-40.[4] Chibnall, 1977: 102[5] Box, 1981: in Katherine. S Williams, 1997:51[6] Smith, 1984: 289.[7] Katherine S. Williams, 1997: 53.[8] Gerbner, 1994: 133[9] Cohen: Folk Devils and Moral Panics: 1972.[10] Young 1974: 72.