Taste is a matter of personal opinion and preference. An individual's taste can differ greatly, even in narrow circles of individuals. Although a person may have similar backgrounds and educational experiences with a peer group, his or her tastes will inevitably differ from them to some extent. To fully understand another person's taste, an individual must be willing to observe carefully and avoid making assumptions based on individual impressions. Beyond initial impressions, our understanding of language and the meaning we attach to words will be different from those of others. What one person deems beautiful is not what another will decide is beautiful. Thoroughly analyzing and recognizing the variations that arise as a result of the connotative meanings of words is an important part of the ability to understand taste. While the meanings of words are generally agreed upon, it is important to note that even if we appear to have a similar understanding and definition of particular words such as beauty, we need to look more closely at the intended meaning to avoid dissonance that could arise from misinterpretation . mutual understanding of language and taste. The more individuals attribute meanings based on emotions rather than reason or the denotative meanings of terms such as beauty, the greater the conflict that can arise. Recognizing the deeply rooted differences that occur within a group of people can help us find more common ground. Despite disagreements in beliefs, people can still come to a harmonious understanding about a particular topic or term through ongoing and open dialogue about words and their definitions. In specific literary works, the commonalities between words and their connotation definitions can be dissolved… in the middle of the paper… the arts must be analyzed carefully and objectively. Those who are skilled in this process are to be held in the highest esteem. Being able to objectively criticize a work of art based solely on the work and the messages conveyed by each party is a challenging task as it is easy to be influenced by personal taste, prejudices and other external sources. People astute in the objective analysis of art are able to recognize the carefully intended messages embedded by creators in their works. When the intended meanings of works of art are beautiful, an objective critic is able to recognize the worth and value of the works before him. I am able to use both logical reasoning and feeling to discuss these works and derive a universal definition of beauty, despite the differences that will inevitably occur in the taste that each human being possesses..