Girls are seen as thoughtful, thoughtful, quiet, and helpful. They put the needs of others above their own. Girls get ahead through hard work, not talent natural. Boys are seen as lazy, but girls are seen as incompetent. In the classroom, the teacher addresses boys more than he does girls they are better at reading and art. This bias is still at work outside the classroom. There are more men employed in IT companies than women college, women major more in the humanities than in the sciences. In education, women are often seen as inferior; even though 65% of college degrees are earned by women more decorative than intellectual, as represented by the Barbie that included the phrase "Math is hard!" and the T-shirt sold by JC Penneys that said, "I'm too pretty to do homework, so my brother has to do it for me." Although there has been a negative reaction on both issues, it is emphasized that there is still much work to be done to eliminate gender bias in education.