The church told them that they had original sin and that by focusing on God, Heaven and their own soul, the church could repair the sin within themselves. This is Nietzsche's theory called Metaphysics. The metaphysical theory says that the church must pay attention to itself instead of having followers focus on the life they live now. By focusing only on God, Heaven and Soul, we underestimate the importance of religion itself. With the reevaluation of values, Nietzsche focused on morality, more specifically the morality of the master and the morality of the slave. Master morality is when one cares about strength and competition and achieving goals is an achievement. Slave morality deals with the concepts of good and evil with Evil representing Master morality. Slave morality lives in the shadow of the master and will reject what the master represents, this morality will also suffer from resentment, both morals can be found in the same person. In a person, the Master's vision of morality has gone beyond the concepts of good and evil and examined the deeper meaning of oneself, but the Master's morality is not an end