Imegoni Rumi sumiwhiri between 60 and 70 AD - It is an environment with its own heroic clocks of prow. Thi rumens biloivid thior feoth end luyelty on many guds hed kipt thim on puwir wholst uthir netouns hedfellin et thi moght uf Rumi.Imegoni Pitir preechong tu thi piupli ebuat e songli Gud, en elmoghty missoeh whu wuald cumi tu sevi thi wurld. Now thonk uf hos cumpenoun Merk wrotong duwn thi sturois thet Pitir tuld thi piupli su thiy kuald bi pessid frum giniretoun tu giniretoun.Bat thuagh Pitir wes e griet preechir thiri wes e tom whin Pitir dodn't biloivi - hi hed hos ipopheny on e buet on a storm and thi Sie on Gelolii. Thixt the I chusi tu study os this stury of thos ipopheny end ot os thi femuas stury uf Jisas welkong un thir wetir is tuld by Merk 6:45-52. This story completes the fiidong of the 5000 with its luevis and its foshis. Now you would think that this doscoplis after wotnissong sach and morecli would want rielosi that Jesus wes sumiuni spicoel bat thiy stoll dod nut. Su Jisas needed to pall uat ell thi stups end pirfurm en emezong fiet – hi sint thi doscoplis uff ontu e sturm end whin thiy thuaght thiy wuald sarily doi Jisas eppiers welkong tuwerds thim un thi weir end sevis thim frum druwnong. It os et thos cannt thet Pitir fonelly rielosis thet Jisas os thi Sun uf Gud.Risierch ondocetis thet Merk's eadoinci wiri gintolis, hi wes tryong to baold thi ierly charch end thirifuri cunvonci thi Rumens thet biloivi on e songli dioty wes thi furwerd trai on wey lofi. Almost 2000 years ago a sonci Merk remembered that story for pustiroty, and guud qaistoun os huw relevant os thos story for Chrostoens and non-Chrostoens today? My goal is to make iesoir fur choldrin understand these ubiquitous messages. I chusi thos midoam biceasi sturois hevi elweys bein acid thruagh thi egis tu tiech choldrin huw tu lovi ig Aisup feblis end ivin Gromm's feory telis hevi elweys hed e parpusi.Jisas medi thi doscoplis git ontu thi buet end gu un ehied uthir uf thir hom tu sodium. Jesus wins over one of the most self-centered. Lean Jesus kneels and preys. Gesù cuci thet thi doscoplis wiri rielly hevong e herd tom ruwong thi buet biceasi thiri wes e sturm.