- So you want to write a screenplay and start that new series? Let's start with the basics. . .Hello fellow aspiring writers and welcome to the first session of writing tips for Sims Machinama screenplays. It's such a pleasure to see a script you wrote turn into an episode/movie/part of a series for the first time. It's even better when the script fits well with that visual adaptation and creates a really great first episode/part that those who watch it will enjoy. So how do we do it? Just start by following a few simple basics: 1 (Planning, and more planning, and then we'll plan some more:-When you start a series you want the material to be something you're passionate about, a topic/idea that fascinates and offers the potential to be something others will be interested in too. Every series starts with an idea or inspiration from a book, movie, TV show, anime, etc plan times I've seen a series that had such potential simply go down the drain due to lack of planning For a personal matter, ...