What is considered beautiful? Why is something beautiful? The nature and definition of beauty have been one of the most debated and controversial topics in philosophy. There are many different theories and perspectives from the early times of history such as Greek philosophers like Plato. Plato believed that there was a universal truth. He argued that there was a perfect form of beauty that “manifested itself imperfectly in what we call beautiful” (Costandi, 2008). However, he could not support his claim with evidence. David Hume, on the other hand, argued that beauty does not exist in things but in the mind that contemplates them (Costandi, 2008). He believed that “Beauty is not a quality in things themselves: it exists simply in the mind that contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty” (Sartwell, 2012). This is well summed up in the famous common quote: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” So many aspects of nature and the definition of beauty have been debated. A quote by Edgar Allan Poe says that "there is no exquisite beauty... without some strangeness in proportions", and this statement, among many others, is one that can be well supported by various evidences in the world. Beauty exists in the uniqueness or unique characteristics of an object or idea. If everything were to one standard, nothing would stand out. Nothing would be considered special or beautiful. Beauty is a quality that can be attributed to unique characteristics that stand out from conformity. Despite many examples around the world that support this definition of beauty in uniqueness, perceptions of beauty in different cultures are changing. Westernization and the impact of popular culture... the focus of the paper... any other form. Although seemingly ephemeral, beauty is long-lasting, and despite changes in vision, the true definition of beauty still remains. Beauty is not just an ephemeral or temporary sense of wonder, but a quality that can be attributed to unique characteristics that stand out from conformity over a long period of time. Beauty lies in unique characteristics and comes from how a person absorbs those unique characteristics. If one is accustomed to only one image of so-called beauty, then it will not be considered special in his eyes, therefore not conforming to the standard of the subjectivity of beauty or beautiful to the beholder. So although the standard image of the beautiful woman or beauty in society is changing and pushing people to change themselves to fit this conformity, true beauty lies in the uniqueness that comes from that natural beauty..