Topic > Analysis of the poem Birches by Robert Frost - 874

In Robert Frost's poem “Birches” the poem does not vaguely say who the narrator is but it is assumed that he is a man. The poem draws a parallel between two worlds. The poem is set on a winter morning in the woods with frosted white birch trees scattered across the landscape. The poem is not about the landscape, but rather about the narrator's images of his past. The birch branches question the narrator about what is real and what is not. This "swinging" event has a great effect on the narrator causing him to imagine "some boy is swinging" on the birch "bending them left and right." This is where reality takes over his imagination because “the swing does not bend them to stay”; ice storms do. The swaying and swinging of the branches has great consequences on the narrator. The narrator is taken from reality and talks about an escape from the reality of life. He wants to be back on Earth because "earth is the right place for love." He wants the departure to be temporary. Swinging on the birch branch is a temporary departure from one's reality, it is his imagination. Reaching “heaven” depends on the narrator having to reach those “higher branches.” Slowly climbing the trunk, "always pushing upward, away from the imperfect fire, from the crying, from the earth and from the truth, but always ready at the top of the arch to return to Earth again." The narrator talks about the real effect that nature's ice has on birch trees. Nature causes the branches to be weighed down. This event also has a consequence on the narrator. The narrator moves again from the world of reality to the world of imagination. The narrator's creative imagination is based on the scene of broken and mutilated birch branches, "arche...... in the center of the paper......there to leave each other alone. I live next door to a family who has a white wooden fence between their yard and ours. We don't have a fence but rather a row of arborvitae trees. Over the past summer our neighbor repaired the rotten part of their fence, which really impressed me with this one poem. There is some truth to the idea that “good fences make good neighbors.” But most people wouldn't think that way initially. I think if a neighbor puts up a high fence to divide the property, he doesn't want any good neighbor other than the fence itself to divide the two properties. Breaking down the dividing walls leads to community and mutual knowledge. However, putting up dividers leads to an almost non-existent knowledge of the other neighbor. agreement on whether to have a wall, fence or divider to separate them, but in reality “good fences make good neighbors”..”