Pursuit of Happiness Thomas Jefferson once wrote that, “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” (Jefferson, “Declaration of Independence”) This Declaration was signed by the thirteen United States of America as an agreement. Over the 238 years since that important document was signed, it seems those opening words have been forgotten. Since the early 2000s, there has been an ongoing war between the borders of these nations. No, I am not referring to the Iraq or Afghanistan type of war, but to a war that is equally important to many. This war is for the rights of gay couples. Many protested, marched and picketed on legislative steps for the freedom to pursue happiness and marry whoever they want. As a nation with deep Christian values, they have found ways to oppose and ban these rights. As stated before, however, we have “inalienable rights”. This means that no man on this Earth has the right to take them away. So who are we to stop a person's pursuit of happiness? Just as every other citizen has the right to marry whoever he wants, so too should homosexuals. No bill or law should be passed to exclude certain actions based solely on the religious views of a group of people. In 2004, Massachusetts became the first state to grant same-sex couples the right to marry. 16 states have since joined the bandwagon. This is a good start but far from 50. Of these 17 total states; 6 were granted by court decision, 8 by the state legislature and 3 by popular vote, according to procon.org. To the surprise of many, the 33 states that have banned same-sex marriage include the entire Bible… middle of paper… just one. Even today, the fight for marriage equality is still ongoing. strong. Many, both homosexual and heterosexual, agree that the right to find happiness with whoever they want is their right. As long as this research doesn't put anyone in danger. Eventually, as time passes, the realization of this freedom will be recognized throughout the nation. The 33 will slowly decrease and from 17 will become 50. These groups fighting for equality have the determination to succeed. Just as civil rights advocates knew that with their persistence they could achieve equality for all races.Works Citedhttp://gaymarriage.procon.org/view.resource.php?resourceID=004857 http://www .archives. gov/exhibits/charters/declaration.html http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-104hr3396enr/pdf/BILLS-104hr3396enr.pdfhttp://www.freedomtomarry.org/states/