We have carried out a SWOT analysis to further understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Alibaba. Alibaba's strengths would definitely be the high brand awareness in China and strong brand capacity that make Alibaba the most favorable e-commerce in that country, the same way customers in the US perceive Amazon. In contrast, the pain points Alibaba currently faces are low brand awareness outside of China, low engagement with buyers, and its revenue is limited to supplier membership. Alternatively, Alibaba's opportunity could be seen as a way to take its business to the next level. E-commerce has been growing rapidly and there are so many technologies that would definitely help Alibaba improve its business offering, as well as the growing number of small and medium-sized businesses around the world that Alibaba could definitely take advantage of. Conversely, this also increases the amount of complaints about the lack of trust in the quality of products offered by sellers using Alibaba as an intermediary. This would not only put sellers in a bad light, but Alibaba's image would also slowly be viewed negatively. Today, China is the largest market globally, with a market size twice the size of the United States. In 2014, the average Internet user in China spends about 20 hours a week staying online on the Internet, and the number of users has reached 560 million, and most of them prefer e-commerce over traditional retail. In addition to large manufacturers and enterprises, Alibaba also focuses on marketing its brand to small and medium-sized enterprises and even individual businessmen, who will have great opportunities in the