Topic > Redefining the Function of Schools: An Essay on Education Reform

Garland proposes that lunch should be prepared for students in a healthy way, that schools should sell only healthy, nutritional meals, and that lunch should be a time to learn about nutrition. I think that choose-your-own lunch doesn't prepare students for what comes after school, choosing their own lunch and shopping each week. Lunch taught me many things. I once ordered just one dessert from my high school because I was craving chocolate and obviously chocolate tastes better than an apple and a salad. Later that day, I came home with a really bad stomach ache from eating too much sugar and chocolate for lunch. That experience taught me to eat in a more nutritionally healthy way and to take a nutrition class. If I hadn't experienced that stomach ache caused by the unhealthy food I ate for lunch, I would never have learned to choose foods on my own. It is my freedom to choose the nutritional foods I want. Garland talks about how we shouldn't break for lunch; we should continue our learning about nutrition, but why not let students rest for an hour between the 5 hours spent in school? Why not just let students take a nutrition course and then rest during it