Topic > IPD - 773

0 IntroductionThere is growing interest in integrated project delivery (IPD) and the role that Building Information Modeling (BIM) can play in promoting integration between building and construction professionals in improving design results. This report examines the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) method of building design and construction and the key barriers preventing its smooth adoption across the industry. In the construction industry, IPD is referred to by many names, such as whole building design, integrated building design, and so on. In this report IPD will be the nomenclature used for reasons of consistency. This report briefly covers the context of BIM and IPD, how it is implemented and examines its advantages and disadvantages focusing more on the strengths and limitations of IPD in terms of reducing errors, increasing cost certainty and improving lifespan of the program. The final part of the report identifies some general solutions to barriers to IPD implementation. 2.0 IPD and BIMA The main feature of the IPD project is the mandatory use of BIM within the IPD contracts that have been developed by AIACC. In theory, this contributes to further integration of phases in the design and construction process. A project's BIM platform integrates the project management tools established in the IPD documents allowing for collaborative meetings where the model is shared and virtual coordination. Detection of uncoordinated items, businesses and services can occur in advance to resolve issues before building components are assembled on site. In IPD BIM is the fundamental platform that enables 3D model integration and data sharing between team members. In the IPD model, BIM technologies sit on top of an intranet that serves as…the center of all parties' business interests. IPD encourages collaboration throughout the design and construction process, tying stakeholder success to project success, and embodies certain contractual and behavioral principles. The Contractual Principles are; Key participants tied together as equals, collaborative decision making, liability waivers among key participants, jointly developed project goal criteria, shared financial risk and reward based on project results, fiscal transparency among key participants, and early involvement of key participants. The Behavioral Principles are; Mutual respect and trust, willingness to collaborate and open communication. (AIA/AIACC, 2010). In other words, IPD is a construction method in which the design team, owner and contractor work together to develop a building from initial concept through delivery and operation..