For every wild animal hunted legally, another is killed illegally; this is called poaching. People who commit crimes such as illegal hunting are known as poachers. The worst thing about this crime is that it is committed where no one can see or know what is happening. Poachers' motivations can range from wanting a trophy or needlessly killing animals to reaping profits from ivories, horns, or antlers. If the environmental problem of poaching continues, many species will become endangered or extinct. This problem has been ongoing for many years now and many efforts have been made to stop or capture poachers. There are various solutions that have been tried and tested, but the latest and most effective solutions are yet to be explained. The first and most general solution to this problem and many similar problems is to impose more severe consequences for this crime. The largest fine ever given to a man for poaching a white-tailed deer was $24,000 for three laws he broke while killing the deer. This is not a normal case but ...