The use of music therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit has several purposes. Auditory stimulation is any sound that activates the auditory system (Tagg, 2002). According to Gilad and Arnon (2010), music therapy shortens hospital stays and increases tolerance to auditory stimulation. Loewy, Stewart, Dassler, Telsey, and Homel (2013) imply that premature infants who participated in music therapy showed changes in heart rate over time. Keith, Russell, and Weaver (2009) found that when a premature baby cried, heart rate decreased in response to auditory stimulation; however, heart rate measurement was dependent on behavioral state (Katz, 1971). When premature babies did not cry, their heart rate increased (Keith et al., 2009). Overall, the results conclude that premature infants responded to auditory stimulation (Katz, 1971; Keith et al., 2009). Research suggests that preterm infants' responses to auditory stimulation in the NICU have promoted other facilities to use this approach among this population. Music therapy stimulates positive changes in other physiological indicators. Research indicates that music therapy increases oxygen saturation levels in premature infants (Loewy et al., 2013). However, Johnston, Filion, and Nuyt (2007) reported decreased oxygen saturation levels when exposed to recordings of the mother's voice during painful procedures for premature infants. The researchers concluded that the mother's comforting voice was unable to influence the oxygen saturation levels of premature infants, although Lowey et al. (2013) were able to increase oxygen saturation with music. Therefore, it is suggested that the NICU offers music therapy to premature infants undergoing developmental care. Findings from several researchers indicate that music therapy helps promote developmental responses among premature infants in the NICU. According to Standley et al. (2010), acquiring the ability to suck is the most crucial behavior for the survival and development of premature infants. When premature infants demonstrate poor oral feeding skills, their heart rate increases, oxygen saturation levels decrease, and they lose weight. Ensuring that premature infants are involved in sucking movements during the first few weeks will increase survival rate and good health in the NICU (Yildiz & Arikan, 2011). However, Walworth (2009) believes that involving parents in creating an environment where music is prevalent will also impact the development of premature infants. Parents who attended musical groups with their premature infants demonstrated positive responses to oral feeding compared to parents who did not participate..