Publication bans have been part of the criminal code since 1988. A publication ban is a judicial law that prohibits trial-related information from leaving the case. Since these prohibitions were first introduced in Canada, they have become a very useful tool in the Common Law. These bans have often been used over the years for many purposes, including avoiding the risk of negative consequences for participants and for more accurate testing procedures. Having publication bans is advantageous, in every way, than not. These prohibitions contribute positively to the legal environment and, above all, to the society within it. This essay will illustrate why the court should have the right to impose a publication ban in Canada. It will support the argument that if Canada wants to build a reputation as a country where trials are handled efficiently, then it should not change the nature of these publication bans. He will illustrate the importance of these bans through an in-depth explanation of how they work and two solid arguments for the case on society and the environment. First, this essay will discuss the basics of publication bans and how they work. Thus, this essay will highlight how publication bans contribute to the fairness of the court process. Finally, this essay will address how publication bans protect victims and those involved in trials. The court, when necessary, handles publication bans wisely and carefully. Just like any other law, publication bans are used to achieve positive results and improvements, and the Court ensures this. Publication bans are considered by the court at the request of a trial participant during a bail hearing, or by decision of a judge, when it considers that the ban is necessary (CBCN). That said, people might speculate that… middle of paper… or victims of crime. Accessed: October 23, 2011. Bans. Canadian Department of Justice. Accessed 21 October 2011. bans. Alberta Government Human Services. Accessed: October 23, 2011. – Publication Prohibitions. Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario. Accessed: 21 October 2011., Annice. Law in action: understanding Canadian law. Toronto, Ontario: Pearson Education Canada, 2003. Print.STARTyler, Tracey.The Criminal Case You May Not Know About. News on Accessed January 15, 2012.