Topic > The importance of utilitarianism for the media

These images help shape the nature of the story being told; sometimes they help drum up support for a cause or demand for justice. Today they are also used to incite fear and manipulation of the public. Private media owners sell airtime and page space to advertisers so they want large audiences of viewers. They want stories that capture the audience's attention and make sure they don't change the channel. Some may even have a conflict of interest at certain times of the year with political opinions and friendly politicians running for office. But that doesn't give them the right to tell their journalists to lie about their opponent or the issue. “Improperly taught utilitarianism only allows decision makers to reinforce their own uninformed opinions (Elliot, 2007). The issue of ethics should not be overlooked by a private owner just to increase his profits. The truth should always matter; the best interests of the public should always be the goal of the media and not their shareholders