Topic > Response to nomadic subjects - 573

Brandot's conception of the nomad, as a sort of allegory of postmodernist subjectivity, is very interesting. Free your mind from the idea that nomadism is tied to physical disconnection and movement, to something more akin to the cultural identity of the nomad, like being in a state of flow that doesn't fall into the ruts and psychological categories that typically govern the our thought patterns. Throughout the essay he demonstrates how we can apply this type of thinking to avoid ethnocentric thought patterns when dealing with aesthetics, language, and even everyday interactions. It is intensely concerned with applying this idea of ​​nomadicness and remaining nomadic in our thought patterns to address epistemological study and remaining subjective in these activities. In this way, as Brandotti demonstrates through his writings, we can free ourselves from socially codified ways of thinking. What I liked most about this conceptualization of the nomad's consciousness is that it leads us to an identity that rests, as you simply put it, in the event of contingency. The sen...