There are many different programs set up to prevent people from initially using drugs. Many of these prevention programs are aimed at young people. Most people first try drugs during adolescence. Many prevention programs cover a wide range of approaches and issues. These areas and approaches include providing factual information about drugs and their consequences, building self-esteem, taking responsibility for making choices, and learning how to handle peer pressure. Many people believe that drug use is a cause or contributor to criminal activity. Drug prevention and treatment programs can be effective in limiting or eliminating other crimes. Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) is designed to provide students with the skills to resist peer pressure. Many students are forced to experiment with tobacco, drugs and alcohol. Police officers are an important part of the DARE program. Students meet officers and learn to understand each other in a friendly manner. DARE programs have five main focus areas. These areas of focus include: Providing accurate information about tobacco, alcohol and drugs; Teach students techniques for resisting peer pressure; Teach students respect for the law and law enforcement; provide students with alternative ideas to drug use and build students' self-esteem. With these programs in place, the Surgeon General reports that positive effects have been demonstrated regarding attitudes toward the police. DARE officials participate in helping schools when children are threatened. The presence of DARE officers in schools also helps alleviate concerns about situations such as school shootings and other threats of violence against children while... middle of paper... although many specific rehabilitation programs are omitted from these discussions, the range of reviews and programs discussed show minimal impact on recidivism. Among these promising programs are cognitive-behavioral therapies and multidimensional interventions, which pair both inmates and treatments in intensive programming, particularly in the community. The greatest support for rehabilitation programs can be found in studies using alternative outcome measures. There is strong evidence that rehabilitation can improve an individual's outlook and self-esteem. Various programs have been successful in increasing clients' educational and career outcomes. Many of the newer rehabilitation efforts, such as ISP, restorative justice, and drug courts, rely on the community as the source or context for interventions..