Health and Human Services Social work is growing every day due to poverty, which is why there is a great demand for social workers. It is a very demanding and stressful job at the same time. Social work is for people who want to help people, also because because of all the clients you ended up having, some of them don't appreciate what you are doing for them and start threatening you violently, or getting physical. Some social workers have so much work that they even have to work weekends and nights just to catch up on the workload. They have a lot of clients so there is a lot of work to do, this is another reason why it is a very stressful job. We need more social workers of all types, for example; justice, hospitals, clinics, family and adolescents, hospice, adults, prisons, public health and school social workers, mental health, child protection agencies and substance abuse social workers. Being a social worker you can get into many different fields not just one level but several. You also help all kinds of different people, races, beliefs and situations. Social workers are an important part of our community everywhere because they help us in many ways and get us where we need to go. A social worker does the most challenging work, he must be able to solve problems and be good at it. He or she must have trust and connection with the client, especially at-risk children and youth in our community. They have a unique role that will allow them to help families in need. The family will look to you for guidance and help them make the right decision. Being a social worker... middle of paper... USSEX courier. (Tunbridge Wells ed.). Tunbridge Wells (UK); 30 October 2009 pg.32.The lived experience of heart failure at the end of life; a systematic review of the literature. Faith Pratt Hopp, Nancy Thornton, Lindsey Martin, Health and Social Work. Silver Spring; May 2010. vol. 35, Iss. 2; page 109, 9 page. Days in the life of the social worker Gerontological Supervision. A Social Worker Perspective in Case Management and Direct Care (2nd ed.) / Social Work Practice and Ethnically and Racially Diverse H. Nursing Residents and Their Families. Jan M. Ivery the gerontologist. Washington' December 2008. Vol.48, Iss. 6; page 844. Learning critical services; A school social service intervention. Cassandra McKay. Children and schools. Washington; January 2010. vol. 32, Iss. 1; page 5, 9 pages. Ethical Issues in Social Work Christie Devine