Mental disordersThe term mental disorder refers to psychological and behavioral syndromes that differ significantly from those typical of human beings who enjoy good mental health. All that mumbo jumbo meant that a person with a mental disorder was just a few cards away from the entire deck. It's probably not people's fault that they're like this, they're just born that way. These people are not all the same. They aren't even in exact classes because all the classes haven't been separated yet. In most cases, a normal person who has no disorders is afraid of these types of people. This is because they don't want to become what these people are. A common example of a mental disorder is Down syndrome. In the early 1990s there was a TV show that featured a boy who had to live with this terrifying disorder. This show has been a great inspiration for all people with disorders. The boy's name was Corky who battled all aspects of the disorder. From physical triumphs to everyday kids who harassed him at school. The show was discontinued in 1993 due to sponsors. Records of types of disorders are unknown along with many other records of treatments to people with a disorder. This is mainly due to the fact that in the early 1900s people thought that people with disorders were simply stupid and did not investigate the matter further. The amount of people who have a disorder is unknown. It is estimated that 15% of the US population suffers from some type of disorder, but this is not real. This is because surveys that can only estimate people who register at an institution, those who do represent 3% of the 15% estimate. In 1990 the United States spent approximately $148 billion on the treatment of mental disorders. Childhood disorders Various mental disorders are evident first in infancy, childhood and adolescence. Mental retardation is characterized by the inability to learn normally and to become independent and socially responsible like others. of the same era in the same culture. A retarded person goes through many emotional problems due to the society making fun of such people. A retarded person has an IQ less than 70. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder includes conditions characterized by inappropriate lack of attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, in which the child... middle of paper... .son goes through many emotional problems due to society making fun of these people. A retarded person has an IQ less than 70. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder includes conditions characterized by inappropriate lack of attention, impulsivity and hyperactivity, in which the child has difficulty organizing and completing work, is unable to stick to to activities or following directions and is excessively restless. Anxiety disorders include fear of leaving home and parents, excessive reluctance from contact with strangers, and excessive, unfocused, worrying and fearful behavior. Persuasive developmental disorders are characterized by distortions in several psychological functions, such as attention, perception, reality testing, and motor movement. One example is childhood autism, a condition characterized by insensitivity to other people, bizarre responses, and a severe inability to communicate with others in the world. Paranoid disorder The central feature of paranoid disorders in a person's disillusionment, such as that he or she is being persecuted or conspired against. In other forms, dilution consists of unreasonable jealousy. the person maybe r