Topic > Short-term organizational change - 731

3.6 Step six: Create short-term successes Organizational change is not a short-term process, it requires a great deal of patience to perceive the change process. The challenge is to cope with uncertain behaviors that can lead to the failure of the entire process. If the organization aims for low costs and short term, it can create short term successes. The dramatic improvement in performance changes people's mindset. During the change process, NADRA placed greater emphasis on short-term business objectives. Initially, more attention was given to software development and integration; the focus later broadened to provide technological solutions to other countries. Now NADRA offers a wide range of solutions for domestic and international market, including multi-biometric e-passport, automated border control, multi-biometric ID card integrated solution, vehicle tracking and identification system, electronic point of sale system, facial access control system, RFID driving license, machine readable seafarer ID, biometric identification and payment solutions, etc. NADRA has become Asia's leading provider of identity-based multibiometric technology solutions. 3.7 Step Seven: Consolidate Improvements Organizations should avoid celebrating a premature victory as it often derails ongoing momentum and drive. To see change implemented successfully, organizations should definitely keep track of small. Learning is a continuous process and organizations should continue to learn about new developments, even after implementing change. If the organization interrupts the learning process and does not rediscover itself over time, it can never become a self-sustaining organization. NADRA has always been…middle of the road…has managed to efficiently transform itself into a successful database and registration organization of Pakistan. Organizational change can be a slow and daunting process. Long-term success is never guaranteed, but adapting to change and sustaining it over time can certainly lead the organization to new heights of success. NADRA has not only implemented organizational change efficiently, but has also proven that with great vision, transformational leadership, clear mission and perseverance any organization can achieve change effectively. This case highlighted the main elements that led to the extraordinary success of NADRA. Even though NADRA has effective management, strategic and operational control in Pakistan, it still requires efficiency and precision not only to fully control identity fraud but also to increase its customer base.