Communication in the pharmaceutical field is very important. It is important to understand how and which forms of communication best suit your practical context. To name a few simple and appropriate gestures, patient counseling, verbal and non-verbal, all play a vital role in forming quality relationships and understanding the pharmaceutical world around us. What we are trying to say is not always what listeners hear. It is important to be as clear and precise as possible with your answers and it is up to both parties to speak up if further explanation is needed. They say that voice is the individual's selling characteristic. From our voice a person can understand whether we are friendly, shy or even a little spontaneous. A key to remember is how to make your voice float and add emphasis to the words you speak. This can make you seem enthusiastic at work even if you're having a terribly long day. Also, your volume, which is very important since every day a pharmacist will be dealing with a variety of people in the community who are hard of hearing and of advanced age. The basic principles that pharmacy schools attempt to teach are that communication should be rapid and respond quickly to others. Try to organize your thoughts and make sure you understand what you might say before you say it. (Wick pg. 131) Remember that you have other resources at the pharmacy and it is okay for a pharmacist to say “excuse me while I research this (drug/side effects) and gain further understanding before moving forward.” Accredited Pharmacy Intuitions also preach that non-verbal things are also important, such as eye contact, the approach towards the guest and maximum attention and assertiveness. This will make the person feel more comfortable and a better expert...... middle of paper>.McDonough, Randy P.” Improving communication skills of pharmacy students through effective teaching." Improve the communication skills of pharmacy students through effective teaching. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, June 15, 2006. Web. January 26, 2012. .Noel, Michael W., and J. Lyle. Bootman. Human resource management in pharmaceutical practice. Rockville, MD: Aspen Systems, 1986. Print.Rovers, John P. A Practical Guide to Pharmaceutical Care. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association, 1998. Print.Tomko, Jim R.Ph Discount Drug Mart, Independence Ohio, Job Shadowing/Senior Project Report. May 6, 2009. University of ToledoWick Alumni, Jeannette Y. Supervision: A Pharmacy Perspective. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association, 2003. Print.