Cleofilas grew up in a male-dominated family of six brothers and a father, and without a mother, she had no female figure to guide her, give her advice on life or how to love a Man. Cleofilas turned to telenovelas for advice from a woman about love and appearance, and began to imagine her ideal life through television series. Once married, Cleofilas moved into a house with her husband, where she imagined everything was like couples in telenovelas, but she soon begins to realize that life is not exactly as they see it in telenovelas. In the story Sandra states 'From what we can see, from the time of her first year when she was still newly married and was invited and accompanied by her husband, she would sit silently apart from their conversations, wait and sip a beer until she warmed up, yes twisted a paper napkin into a knot, then another into a fan, one into a rose, nods, smiles, yawns, smiles politely, laughs at the right moment, leans on her husband's sleeve, tugs at his elbow and finally becomes good in predicting where the speech will lead, from this Cleophila