In attempting to uncover the historical facts surrounding Jesus, many scholars are missing much of the physical evidence that is typically associated with proof of the existence of an event or person. The greatest source of information about Jesus is found in the New Testament of the Bible. The New Testament offers a glimpse into the beliefs, sayings, and works of the man believed to be the son of God. However, it does not provide a clear time frame for when those things will have been accomplished. The Bible is written more as a theological account than a historical document (Harris 281). With little to no additional resources to confirm the existence and actions of Jesus, it becomes nearly impossible to confirm with modern methods what Christians believe to be absolute truth. JESUS THE Enigma: DETERMINING HIS TRUE THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS In an effort to understand who Jesus was, what he did, and what he said, most people turn to the Bible for guidance and answers. In the four Gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John you can find a lot of information that helps in this search. This information, however, can be confusing when one discovers the many disparities between each of the individual accounts presented in these gospels. Many times, when a person examines all the gospels side by side, they find that they are left with more questions than answers regarding the kind of person Jesus really was. One of the major difficulties in using these four gospels to gain a better understanding of the thoughts and actions of Jesus is that not all of the authors had a direct physical relationship or contact with Jesus. Most of the authors relied on oral teachings and using a combination of existing written documents to develop your gospel… middle of the paper… what a point to accept. Other things when considered from a mental, emotional and spiritual aspect make sense. In conclusion, I believe that I do not need to experience Jesus in the way that the physical world requires, to know that He exists and that He is my savior. There are many things that I have accepted as truth, without concrete physical evidence. Although I have questioned the reasoning behind these things, I lack the ability to come up with logical answers. I understand, however, that at some point we all have to give in to faith and hope that what we understand as the truth is actually the truth. Faith and belief in Jesus cannot be quantified or qualified through the tools of this world. Only through deep introspection can we find understanding, confirmation, and faith in Jesus. Only this develops our truth about who Jesus truly was, is, and forever will be..