In my freshman year, I was placed in a math class from which I learned nothing. Honestly, it was more of a free period than an actual lesson. The teacher rarely taught class, and when he did it was only for a few minutes before retreating to his desk. Sometimes he gave us worksheets full of simple calculations that even a second grader could do, and we weren't challenged to learn anything in class. Because I learned nothing in that class, the next year of math class was extremely difficult for me and many of my peers. We were extremely behind and many of my colleagues and I were assigned to that year refused to take the time to explain things to us because we should have already learned everything. Even after countless nights spent studying and surfing the Internet desperately searching for a new way to find the solution to every problem I was stuck on, I never fully understood anything I was learning at the time. By the end of that semester I was almost two years behind in the subject and was starting to dread any kind of math class when I saw it on my schedule. During math class I felt completely ignorant of the subject, not understanding anything of what my teacher said. While some kids in the class got high marks