In my opinion every member of the class is entitled to equal rights. Gender, culture and social status should not determine how students are treated. Once students step foot in the classroom door, they become part of the classroom community where everyone is treated equally. An effective teacher will also ensure that all learning styles and needs are met. Students will have preferred ways to obtain and store information. Explaining instructions with the help of visual cues is a technique to accommodate different learning styles (Whitton, 2009). It is up to the teacher to recognize students' different learning styles and incorporate them into their lesson plans. There is also a wide range of learning needs within a classroom that will need to be addressed. From attention deficit disorder to autism, learning needs must be recognized by teachers. Once student needs are identified, changes can be made to lesson plans to meet their learning needs. Through equal opportunities and the ability to accommodate learning needs, teachers can provide a positive and diverse environment. An effective teacher in my opinion is a teacher who takes the time to learn about the Australian Curriculum and their students. They use their knowledge of the curriculum and their students to present lessons that are engaging and motivating, making modifications to meet a variety of needs