Little Girl Lost is an autobiography written by actress Drew Barrymore. When this book was written, Drew was about fourteen years old. Drew Barrymore is the granddaughter of actor John Barrymore. Many people know Drew from the hit movie ET, where he captured the hearts of thousands. Unfortunately, during this time, all the fame came to her, she started partying which led her to drink. Drinking led to drugs such as marijuana and eventually cocaine; he was only twelve years old (Barrymore 1). Drew's parents separated when she was young, her father left and she stayed with her mother. Drew and her mother were not very close, her mother was always working trying to provide for them, and therefore she was forced to stay with a nanny or alone. When Drew Barrymore began to fall into drugs and alcohol, her mother didn't even notice. Her mother finally realized what was happening when the tabloids reported stories and images of her partying and her loss of control. Her mother decided it would be best for Drew if she went to rehab. The first time Drew Barrymore went to rehab she ended up relapsing pretty quickly and her drug addiction got worse. This has happened a few times. At the end of the biography Drew had just gotten out of rehab and was doing well. He states: “I think about it every day. All drug addicts do this. You are never without the fear of returning to your old habits and losing everything you have gained. When you're sober, you don't forget what it was like to use. It's hard, really hard, and you deal with it day after day, hour after hour, minute after minute. And it will be like this as long as I live. But at least I'm alive” (Barrymore 260). Since the author, Drew Barrymore, was only fourteen when she wrote the biggest…half of the paper…the most important question after reading the story was, “Now what? Is she still completely sober? How do you feel about your addiction? Drew Barrymore is such a famous actress and has been through so much more since she wrote this book. He was only fourteen when he wrote the book, so I'd like to know how he feels now that he's older. I would like to know if he still struggles with the same problems. Even if it's not the best written, I would still recommend the autobiography. It's very interesting and catches my attention; it's also a quick and easy read for those who don't have much time. I really liked this because Drew Barrymore is one of my favorite actresses, so it would be a good book for anyone who likes her. Overall, it was a good book, worth reading. Works Cited Barrymore, Drew and Todd Gold. Lost little girl. New York: Pocket, 1990. Print.