Some women refuse to even believe they are in an abusive relationship. In the book entitled “The Battered Women and Shelters: The social Construction of Wife Abuse”, the author defines domestic violence as “after a violent event, a violent man may feel guilty, he may behave in a loving, contrite and charming way in towards this victim." , but wife abuse concerns those events in which he returns to his violent behavior” (19). This author's definition of domestic abuse also explains why a woman may want to believe and hope that one day her abusive partner will get better and change. Unfortunately, changing the inflict's behavior from abusive to loving permanently is a very rare event. Women should know if they are in an abusive relationship and should be able to ask friends, family or even professionals for help without any fear. There are many different hotlines or agencies that can help women get out of the miserable situations they currently live in. Women should be able to count on anyone to help them out of the unfortunate situation they may find themselves in. While trying to help women get out of abusive relationships and dangerous situations, we should also set up support groups for abusers and try to correct abusers instead of just blaming the victims for not being able to get out of the relationship quickly