Without an audience, there is no specific way a writer can establish the structure of their essay. The purpose of the audience is easily overlooked by most writers, resulting in an inadequate balance in their essay. In Bartholomae's Inventing the University he states: "After taking on the sound of specialized discourse, students should try to appear as insiders in their academic world by starting with commonalities..." Through his statement, Bartholomae attributes the concept of use language similar to that of the audience to get their attention. Through similar language it is easier for the audience to connect with the writer and receive a better reception of the writing. Similar to the mission statement, the audience must be clearly and correctly addressed in the assignment. When writers float between different audiences, their writing can come across as sloppy and unpersonal. Without the right connection with the audience, the writer will have difficulty conveying their purpose effectively, which can ruin an article. While a document can include a clear mission statement and adequately address the audience, the document will not be effective without being credible