First let's define "American Dream". “American Dream” is what you would consider a “perfect life.” It can be full of happiness, money, love, food, cars, whatever you want, everyone has a different opinion. One person's American Dream can be totally different than someone else's, that's what makes us all individuals. My American Dream would include a good job and lots of money, free time for me and my family, and most importantly, health. It seems that so often the topic of economic status and wealth is said to be synonymous with the phrase "The American Dream." It seems that it takes money to be happy and economic stature to be accepted, however, many people who fall into this trap out of ignorance they will never achieve "The American Dream" they aspire to: "In America, you can be whatever you want," always makes me smile, but that's not true of the next Oscar-winning film, no matter how much I "wish" it, it's not guaranteed to happen. In defense, many people will argue...