His approach to labeling theory included four typologies: pure deviant, secret deviant, conformist and falsely accused. If the minor has committed a deviant act and has been labeled as deviant then he is a pure deviant. If an individual has committed a criminal act but a label is not applied, then he or she is a secret deviant, which is the most common type because many juveniles commit illicit acts but remain uncaught. Conformist types are individuals who do not commit deviant acts or have an enforced label. Finally, there are the falsely accused, who do not commit illegal acts but are labeled as illegal. Theorists' explanations for why juveniles receive a label require a structural approach to rehabilitate juvenile offenders so that the effect of the labeling does not cause them to commit deviant behavior. According to the NCJRS, “the report of the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice (1967) called for the creation of youth services offices to develop alternative programs for juvenile offenders within local communities. The establishment of these offices, which quickly appeared in most communities, began a movement to divert youth, particularly status offenders and minor offenders, from juvenile court” (ncjrs.gov ). The purpose of diversion is not to take away the discretion or power of the court but to use the power of the court to facilitate treatment (NCBI). There are several treatment services provided by diversion programs to help minors, such as community-based services, drug and alcohol treatment, residential treatment, and educational services. Not all offenders receive the same treatment program. The factors examined; in order to correctly place minors, mental and psychological health, status-related crimes and low or high risk are considered