I took a moment to sit down and look at this paper and understand why I performed so badly. As I pointed out before, the best of my writing is often descriptive and opinionated material, and when I reread my letter, I found that it was nothing descriptive and in fact very far from my personal opinions on the subject of the letter. . For this reason he suffered and I felt that he lacked any strength in his writing. I don't know the combination of words that was missing, but I can compare it to chefs referring to "love" as an extra ingredient, or artists talking about the "emotion" channeled into the brush. It seemed like a hollow body of feeble persuasion masked by a series of words strung together with lackluster charm. It was the work that I felt needed the most improvement, despite having fewer words than the rest of the assignments. It was in that instant that I understood why it failed compared to most of my material: it lacked the "love" and "emotion" that were fueled by description and deep personal emotions.