Our program promotes play in several ways that can benefit children's development. Our classroom has several areas where children can spend time working with other children or on their own. We have different activities they can do, for example playing in the block area, children will use their imagination on all the things they can create. There are also books, puzzles, toys, computers that children can use to play academic games and during free time we provide children with different materials to use such as balls, toys, blocks and tricycles to keep them active. Our classroom has different areas where children can also play, for example dramatic play is where children can create their own roles. In the spectacular play area we provide children with safe costumes, toys and other materials that they can use. In this area children can act out and create their own scenarios using their imagination. We provide different types of play, such as hands-on play where children repeat a behavior when learning a new skill. Constructive play is where children use their imagination to create something, for example in the blocks area they can create castles or towers. Games with rules: this type of play happens when children follow the rules that are told to them. When they play a board game like bingo they have to follow the rules in order to understand what is happening and