My story begins before I was born. After all, I was born at 30 weeks. My mother (Bella) had a difficult pregnancy. At 5 and a half months Bella began to bleed. The doctor found that she had full placenta previa. Complete placenta previa is a complication in which the placenta is inserted partially or entirely into the lower uterine segment. This prevents the baby from being born naturally and causes the mother to bleed. Bella bled every day and went to the emergency room five times due to the constant bleeding. The fifth and final time Bella fainted and found herself in the hospital. The doctors told her that she would not leave until I was born, otherwise they could both die. While we were in the hospital the doctors injected Bella and me with many things through the IV. They gave us both vitamins and medications. The drugs were not only supposed to calm her but me too. The doctors were making sure I didn't move and cause further damage. During labor they monitored my heart. The doctors gave me another test before I had the surgery/delivery. They put a large needle in Bella's stomach to test the development of my lungs. Bella remained in hospital for a week. She remained in bed the entire time. The doctors didn't want to risk him fainting due to lack of blood. Even then the one move he made to take a shower must have lasted two minutes or less. After the large needle test, Bella bled again within 24 hours. The surgery had to happen now. The blood was overflowing and the placenta was separating from me. If the surgery hadn't been urgent I would have died because my placenta would have detached. I was born on Tuesday 28 February 1995 at 12.36pm. The birth was made possible through a cesarean section. After I was born I was sent to a... medium of paper... For some reason I was afraid of contact and hitting others. This fear barely surfaced while we were playing, but when it did it would cost the team dearly. Despite this fear I experienced one of the most beautiful seasons of my life. Too bad playing college football didn't go as well. The last half of high school took a different path than the first. I still played football but it wasn't at the top of my list. I found Jesus again and learned to love music. I went on two mission trips my freshman year of high school. The first was in Nicaragua and the second in Costa Rica. In Costa Rica I had my vocation. That's when I felt that being a worship leader was not only a gift, but also fun to do. During my senior year of high school and up until today I have grown closer to the Lord. I have embraced my calling not only as a leader or worship leader, but also as a bridge between the Latin and Western worlds.