Also, with an ever-improving economy and technology, Sophie has been able to receive excellent care, potentially allowing her to overcome her leukemia. These positively influence Logan allowing him to return to "normal" life in a few years as he hopes. Baltes' Lifespan Concepts Baltes' lifespan concepts are divided into 3 categories: age-classified, history-classified, and non-normative influences (Hoffnung, 2016). Age-rated normative influences are events that occur because of your chronological age and can be biological or environmental determinants. Logan's age-related influences involve the fact that he and his siblings started school at the age of 5, which is determined by the environment and New Zealand laws. Influences classified according to history can still have environmental or biological determinations and occur at a specific time, experienced by a large group of people (Hoffnung, 2016). The historical influence on Logan was his participation in the brothers' camp. All the children at sibling camp have experienced similar events and are now part of a group that creates similarities in their short-term lives.