This is why we recommend that you always wear the device to improve your hearing ability. • Sound frequencies can be easily captured by the device so that sounds can be transmitted correctly. This way you can understand specific frequencies and easily distinguish sounds or noises. • Sound frequencies can be conveniently changed according to your convenience and hearing comfort. In short, the device can be easily customized to meet the wearer's hearing needs. • Excessively loud noises can be automatically eliminated, so your eardrums can be protected in the long term. Extremely loud noises can do a lot of damage to your ears and therefore should essentially be avoided. • These devices filter out noise and only transmit the sounds you intend to hear. Several underlying disorders are completely eliminated and this is why hearing disorders can be completely eliminated. • Noise in the workplace can be reduced efficiently and thus you can concentrate on your official tasks without any kind of distractions. Thus tension, headaches and fatigue can be minimized with the use of these