James Madison, the 4th president of the United States, born March 16, 1751. Although he served as president, for eight years each as a member of the United States House of Representatives, as secretary of state, his The main contributor to the founding of the United States was the acclaimed "father of the Constitution". He played a leading role in the drafting of the United States Constitution and was its principal defender and interpreter for 50 years. He combined to the highest degree scholarship, a keen intelligence, commitment to republican government, and a realistic understanding of politics in a way that allowed him to move continually from an idea or conception to a plan, policy, or law. Madison's place among the Founding Fathers reveals the necessary qualities of his public career. Not equipped with Washington's influential presence or instinctive common sense, he was more expressive and more creative than the first president. He lacked Franklin's breadth of interests, communicable wit, and unique political style, but he understood the problems of government more deeply. John Adams was better educated and more attentive to the stubborn and catastrophic dilemmas of human life, but Madison was more skilled at creating institutions that could address such problems in some way. Jefferson had a sharper vision of the potential of life under republican government, a greater aptitude for leadership, and a special gift for brilliant expression, but Madison had a more subtle and keen political sense. Finally, although Hamilton was more brilliant in argument and more skilled at offering comprehensive plans, Madison was truer to republican values and more aware of the constraints that human needs and diversity should place on the plans of the nation's leaders. Madison's easy election as president in 1808 continued the "Virginia dynasty," meaning the first five presidents of the United States were from Virginia. Madison also had to overcome resistance that favored his friend James Monroe, making further political difficulties for his administration evident. The Republican Party's unified loyalty to Jefferson, the source of its ability to lead effectively without appearing to violate Republican reliability to legislative superiority, dissolved under Madison's less convincing stewardship. Madison's presidency remained uneventful until November 1811, when with the support of the newly elected "War Hawks" asserting dominance over Congress; Madison decided that the nation would have to move toward war with Great Britain unless the arrogant and damaging attacks on American ships and sailors were stopped.